


Surrogacy is an arrangement for a woman to carry and give birth to a baby for another individual or couple, who are the intended parent or parents.

The arrangement could be on a full surrogacy basis, meaning the eggs used are from either the intended mother or a donor and there is no genetic link between the surrogate and the baby she carries, or on a partial surrogacy basis. Partial surrogacy means that the surrogate’s own eggs are used and the baby is therefore genetically hers. Surrogacy is an option that may be considered by women with a medical condition preventing them from safely carrying a pregnancy themselves, by single people and same-sex couples. The legal issues surrounding surrogacy can be complex and vary between different countries, so appropriate legal advice is always recommended for anyone considering this avenue.

NOW-fertility’s partner clinics do not offer surrogacy. However we are able to refer patients to Embrymama, an independent surrogacy agency. Their programme offers full surrogacy only, with embryos created through IVF and transferred into a surrogate who will carry the pregnancy. The agency works closely with an established clinic in Kyrgyzstan, where full surrogacy is legal, and is responsible for selecting a suitable surrogate and ensuring that she undergoes all the necessary screening beforehand. Medical care throughout the pregnancy is also provided. Once a baby is born, the agency take responsibility for providing all the relevant documentation for the registration of the baby’s birth certificate. The Embrymama agency can offer surrogacy services to couples, either married or unmarried, single women or same-sex female couples.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us here.

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