
Online Pharmacy

Our solution for your fertility medications

Affordable, convenient and easy

Fertility medications form an integral part of your assisted conception treatment cycle. Therefore, having a specialist team to process your prescription and arrange delivery helps to give you additional peace of mind.

As part of our objectives to offer personalised care and unparalleled patient experience, NOW-fertility offers affordable, convenient and easy access to fertility medications and supplements through our collaboration with the Pharmacy of Athens. 

The Pharmacy is fully regulated and registered with the FSA.gr (Pharmaceutical Association of Attica) and has over 10 years experience in Athens and 25 years in Paris.

5 benefits of using the Online Pharmacy

How does it work?

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The Fertility Consultant issues the prescription and sends it electronically to the Pharmacy

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The Pharmacy receives the prescription and contacts the patient to confirm the personal details and delivery address

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The order is processed by the Pharmacy

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The patient makes payment by following a secure weblink issued by the Pharmacy

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The medications (and any supplements) are dispensed and delivered by a courier under secure and temperature-controlled conditions

Ready to start your journey?

Our commitment is to make fertility care accessible, successful and stress free for patients. 

If you are ready to start your journey, book a consultation with one of our experienced fertility consultants.

Book a call

Our care team are here to explore your fertility journey and guide you through your options. Submit your details below to arrange your complimentary 15 minutes call with one of our Fertility Care Coordinators and Fertility Nurses.