
How to have the family that you want

How to have the family that you want

Author: Annette Eckersley, Group Assistant & Communication Manager, NOW-fertility

Fertility treatment has revolutionised family building and helped create a pathway to parenthood for an increasing diverse range of couples and individuals.

Here are some ways in which having fertility treatment could give you the family that without medical intervention may not be possible.

Overcoming fertility challenges

If you, your partner or both of you have a condition that makes natural conception difficult or impossible, techniques such as IVF could help to overcome this. Alternatively you may be able to conceive without help, but for either medical or social reasons, would like to be able to choose the gender of the embryo that you carry. This is possible with IVF for gender selection.

Removing age barriers

Your natural fertility potential may have declined by the time that you are ready to consider raising a family, and in these cases the use of donated eggs, sperm or embryos may be an option for you.

Supporting single women

Deciding to become a single mother by choice can be both daunting and challenging, but also empowering. IVF using donor sperm makes this possible.

Empowering same-sex couples

Female same-sex couples may also choose to start a family using donated sperm in an IVF cycle. Some will opt for reciprocal IVF, with one partner providing the egg that is used to create the embryo, and the other carrying the pregnancy. This means that both will have a biological connection to the baby.

Through our network of partner clinics, NOW-fertility offers you the chance to create the family that you want and at the time that you want.

Please contact us to find out how we can help you.


Published by NOW-fertility’s Communication Department.
Communication Manager: Annette Eckersley
E: annetteeckersley@now-fertility.com

This information was correct at the time of publishing and may not reflect our current practices, prices or regulations

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