
How to support a patient undergoing IVF

How to support a patient undergoing IVF

With 1 in 6 couples facing difficulties in achieving pregnancy, patients do not realize how common their situation is. The struggle with infertility creates psychological stress, which undoubtedly increases when undergoing IVF treatment. When you seek professional help and meet with a fertility consultant, much of the anxiety you already experienced will dissipate, since you will now get real answers to your questions, understand why you are having difficulties achieving or sustaining a pregnancy, and moreover, you will be getting treatment options. Seeking treatment will empower you throughout the process.

Time is stressful, both in the time commitment to an intense treatment which leads to disruption in family, work, and social activities, and for some, in long waiting periods for treatment services. One of the reasons I joined Now-Fertility as a fertility consultant was because we wanted to take away much of the stress of your assisted conception pathway, by bringing the expert closer to the patient with no waiting times.

With the correct support, the vast majority of patients adjust well emotionally. If you are a patient about to begin a cycle, here are some tips to help get ready for IVF:

  • Gather information and plan ahead.
  • Anticipate problem areas. Plan for possible changes and difficult times during your cycle.
  • Identify your stresses and your coping mechanisms.
  • Strengthen existing relationships. Tend to your friends and family by keeping an open dialog.
  • Join support groups.
  • Ask your fertility doctor. If you have unanswered questions, write them down and mention them during your next appointment.
  • Ask for additional professional support if you feel it is necessary. The fertility consultant will recommend additional help, if desired, such as experienced psychologists, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, acupuncturists, and massage therapists.

Written by: Ioannis Gryparis, Fertility Consultant

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