
My contribution to a couple’s IVF treatment in Greece

My contribution to a couple’s IVF treatment in Greece

Author: Alessandra Ripanelli (Senior Fertility Nurse, NOW-fertility)

I had the pleasure of taking care of a nice couple undergoing their IVF treatment at our partner clinic in Greece.

The couple contacted us via the enquiry form on our website expressing their interest in discovering the different options available for IVF treatment.

During their initial virtual consultation with the consultant, fertility care coordinator and myself, the couple received all necessary information to make an informed decision, including the differences between our partner clinics, timelines to start treatment and the costs.

Once the choice of the location for the treatment was confirmed, based on our recommendation and on the couple’s personal choice, we then moved to the next stage of the process, which included the mandatory screening tests, signing the consents forms and the shipment of the hormone medications to their preferred address. Despite the couple living far away, outside Europe, they received all the medication via courier within 48 hours.

I then offered a video call to explain the treatment in detail, injections preparation and technique, egg collection and embryo transfer procedure, and post transfer recommendations.

Once the treatment started, I continued assisting the couple closely throughout the whole journey, offering support and answering any questions, especially during their first injections. As we know, these can bring anxiety, so we normally suggest to do the first injections together via video call and continue until the patient feels confident to do them herself.

By the time the couple were ready for the egg collection, I made sure they had clear verbal and written information about the plan and our partner clinic in Greece, so that they knew exactly who to talk to once they arrived and what to do.

The couple expressed their appreciation for our continued support and trusted us completely from the start of their journey throughout the entire process.

Are you interested in undergoing IVF treatment in Greece?

Find out more about how we can help you by booking a complimentary video call with one of our Fertility Care Coordinators and Fertility Nurses:

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