
My contribution to patients IVF treatment in Saudi Arabia

My contribution to patients IVF treatment in Saudi Arabia

Author: Magalie Antoun (Fertility Nurse, NOW-fertility)

A virtual consultation with one of our fertility care coordinators, one of our experienced fertility consultants, and myself as a fertility nurse, was scheduled by the couple that I recently had the opportunity to support throughout their IVF journey with NOW-fertility and our partner clinic in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

The first consultation is an important moment for building trust with the care team. After discussing the medical and reproductive history, we recommended that the couple undergo IVF with ICSI treatment and frozen embryo transfer.

We asked them to have some tests so that we could create the individualised treatment protocol. After receiving from our online pharmacy the hormone medications that were prescribed based on the results of the tests, a further virtual meeting with the couple and myself was scheduled. This was to explain the treatment protocol, to advise on how to store and administer the medications and to guide them through the procedure and the timelines with the ultimate goal of reassurance, safety and comfort.

Once the treatment cycle had started, results of the patient’s monitoring ultrasound scans and blood tests, which were carried out close to where she lives for maximum convenience, were reviewed by the NOW-fertility and partner clinic’s teams. Close collaboration was ensured.

As the couple’s fertility nurse, I was available to them 24/7 for any questions, concerns or doubts whether they were about the procedure (egg retrieval and embryo transfer), the treatment plan, or the medications.

Once they reached the point of being ready to travel to Riyadh for the egg retrieval, the team at our partner clinic were notified and the necessary appointments booked in readiness for their arrival. The couple were also provided with comprehensive information to ensure a smooth visit to the clinic.

Our aim throughout was to reassure and support them as much as possible with continuous, personalised and expert guidance.

Are you interested in undergoing IVF treatment in Saudi Arabia?

Find out more about how we can help you by booking a complimentary video call with one of our Fertility Care Coordinators and Fertility Nurses:

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