
Egg Retrieval

Once your follicles, within which the eggs develop, reach the optimal size you will be advised the date and time for the ‘trigger’ injection.

This injection will have to be administered 34-36 hours prior to your egg retrieval, depending on the advice you receive from the fertility team. 

The ‘trigger injection’ ensures that the eggs are mature and assists with releasing the egg in the middle of the follicle ready for collection.

How to prepare for your egg retrieval:

What will happen before your egg retrieval?

What happens during your egg retrieval?

What to expect after your egg retrieval?

Side effects that you can experience from your egg retrieval:

Once you are home:

Symptoms and signs of OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome) to prompt you making contact with your fertility team:

Ready to start your journey?

Our commitment is to make fertility care accessible, successful and stress free for patients. 

If you are ready to start your journey, book a consultation with one of our experienced fertility consultants.

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