Legal Advice
We believe that providing expert-sourced information on legal matters related to assisted reproduction is of fundamental importance for our patients in certain circumstances. The regulatory aspects of fertility treatment provision, ethical dilemmas, human rights matters and the challenges of cross-border treatment can all require addressing from a legal aspect.
Our partnership with the specialist life sciences team at Dubai-based BLK Partners gives you access to the specialist knowledge that will help you to make fully informed and legally compliant decisions about your fertility treatment.
Top 5 benefits of the partnership
- Clients have access to information sourced by NOW-fertility from leading regulatory experts that can help them to make important decisions about how and where they use fertility services
- All information is provided through a single contact at NOW-fertility
- Requests for information may be submitted using a simple form
- Cost-effective and efficient service
- Further practical follow-up assistance, such as help with applications, available upon request

About our partner
BLK Partners offers a comprehensive range of legal services across the Middle East, powered by a team of specialists who blend international expertise with an in-depth understanding of local legal frameworks, customs, and markets. BLK Partners is a client-centric firm, united by a “Glocal” approach, ensuring that services are both globally informed and locally relevant.
The BLK Partners team of multilingual lawyers is well-versed in the cultural nuances and complexities of conducting business in the Middle East, providing tailored and sophisticated legal solutions.

About James Clarke
UK qualified lawyer James Clarke will lead the team responsible for NOW-fertility clients. James has been a partner in leading healthcare and life sciences sector specialist law firms for over 14 years and a sector specialist for over 23 years.
He graduated in electrical engineering from Imperial College London and is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of England and Wales.
How does it work?
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- Read and accept the Client Disclaimer Notice
- Receive and accept your quote for legal advice
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