
Cancellation Policy

The treatment cycle can be cancelled at different stages, and this outcome can certainly be upsetting. Depending on the reason why the cycle is cancelled it may be possible to proceed at a different time using an alternative approach. We are here to support you with our fertility team of consultants, nurses, and care coordinators. We are also able to organise support counselling for you.

If you are undergoing a fresh cycle involving hormone stimulation of your ovaries, the treatment can be cancelled before egg collection because of:

  • Suboptimal ovarian response to hormone stimulation
  • High risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
  • Feeling generally unwell, making it unwise to proceed at the time
  • Not taking the trigger injection as instructed
  • Any other clinical indications

In this case we will refund you 25% of the fee you paid to NOW-fertility. 

If you are undergoing a fresh cycle involving hormone stimulation of your ovaries, the treatment can be cancelled after egg collection and before embryo transfer because of:

  • No eggs collected
  • No mature eggs available 
  • Eggs fail to fertilise
  • Eggs fail to fertilise normally
  • Embryos fail to develop
  • No sperm available to fertilise the eggs in vitro
  • Started having uterine bleeding
  • A polyp is seen inside the uterus
  • Fluid is seen inside the uterus
  • Any other clinical indications

In this case you will not be entitled to a refund from NOW-fertility, but you will be refunded a certain amount according to the partner clinic’s own policy on cancellation and refund.

If you are undergoing a frozen embryo transfer cycle involving hormone treatment to develop the endometrium or simply a natural cycle without any hormone therapy, the treatment can be cancelled before embryo transfer because of: 

  • Feeling generally unwell, making it unwise to proceed
  • Embryos haven’t survived the thawing and warming process
  • The procedure cannot be performed without sedation and the anaesthetist to administer the medications for sedation is not available on the day
  • You are found to have fluid or blood within the uterus on transabdominal ultrasound scan on the day of embryo transfer
  • You have started bleeding and the lining of the uterus is thinner than before
  • You have forgotten to take the hormone medications recommended by your fertility team
  • Any other clinical indications

In this case if the cycle is cancelled before embryo transfer you will be refunded 25% of the fee you paid to NOW-fertility. If the cycle is instead cancelled on the day you physically attend the partner clinic for embryo transfer, which means you have completed your preparation treatment, you will not be entitled to a refund from NOW-fertility, but you may be refunded a certain amount according to the partner clinic’s own policy on cancellation and refund.

In the circumstances that the involved party/parties withdraw from treatment (fresh or frozen) at any time there will be no refund.

Book a consultation

NOW-fertility’s commitment is to make fertility care accessible, successful and stress free for patients.

If you are ready to start your journey, book a consultation with one of our experienced fertility consultants.

Book a call

Our care team are here to explore your fertility journey and guide you through your options. Submit your details below to arrange your complimentary 15 minutes call with one of our Fertility Care Coordinators and Fertility Nurses.