
The industry of fertility care

The Industry of fertility care

NOW-fertility Founder & President Luciano Nardo recently spoke with Dr Wafaa Faysal, host of @medcare.podcast, on a series of fertility-related topics. In this second excerpt they discuss the industry of fertility care.


WF: What about the industry of fertility, fertility care is growing it seems?

LN: The fertility care industry has grown massively in the last decade and is expected to grow even more in the next two decades. Most couples, they can conceive, but may not want to wait. They may want to have a healthy child and the only way to have a healthy child would be to do IVF and genetic testing of the embryos before transfer. But there will be also men and women wanting to freeze sperm and eggs respectively, and so across the world, the fertility care industry has grown and will continue to grow as there is a huge demand for that. In the region there has also been an increased interest for IVF and fertility care, sometimes because of consanguinity. As we know when there is consanguinity in the marriage then there is an increased risk of genetic diseases for the offspring, so IVF is not going to remove the consanguinity, IVF is not going to remove the genetic problem, IVF will enable the couple to have a child possibly without genetic disorder because via genetic testing we can test embryos and select the healthy embryos to transfer, so we have the advantage of using pre-implantation testing together with IVF in order to choose healthy embryos.

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