
Tips & Advice

The importance of medications teaches by the fertility nurses

The importance of medications teaches by the fertility nurses

During fertility treatment, different medications will be given to the patient and we understand that it might seem a little daunting, especially for patients without any medical background. Fertility drugs play a large role in the treatment and the majority of them will be self-administrated, at home, by the patient. We believe that doing personalised

The importance of medications teaches by the fertility nurses Read More »

Diet Full of Fruit and Vegetables Linked to Lower Miscarriage Risk

Diet full of fruit and vegetables linked to lower miscarriage risk

Estimates suggest around 1 in 6 pregnancies end in miscarriage. Almost half of early pregnancy losses are unexplained, though there is some evidence of lifestyle influences both before conception and in the early stages of pregnancy. A study by Chung Y, Melo P, Pickering O, et al published in April 2023 in Fertility and Sterility

Diet full of fruit and vegetables linked to lower miscarriage risk Read More »

Is Intermittent fasting an option to reverse the age-related declining quality of oocytes?

Is Intermittent fasting an option to reverse the age-related declining quality of oocytes?

Intermittent fasting (IF) can help improve health and extend lifespan. Debates are ongoing about the potential benefit of intermittent fasting of ovarian function, egg quality and reproduction. Decreased oocyte quality and compromised embryo development are common in older women, and a frequent cause of IVF failure. A very recent study by Li and colleagues (Free

Is Intermittent fasting an option to reverse the age-related declining quality of oocytes? Read More »

Fertility Counselling

How genetic counselling can help patients with decision making

Genetics has become an important part of mainstream healthcare with genetic counsellors a central touch point to help educate, support and guide patients through their options and choices.  Genetic counselling plays an important role in fertility care and you may be recommended to speak with a genetic counsellor so that you have all the information

How genetic counselling can help patients with decision making Read More »

Repeated IVF failures and recurrent miscarriage

Repeated IVF failures and recurrent miscarriage – what can be done?

Miscarriage and the failure of IVF treatment are two stressful and disappointing situations for patients in general and for women in particular. An etiological assessment and psychological support are often proposed. What can be done ? In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) with preimplantaion genetic testing (PGT) are often recommended. This procedure makes it possible to check an embryo

Repeated IVF failures and recurrent miscarriage – what can be done? Read More »

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