
Tips & Advice

Mama Mia! – Fertility after 40

Mama Mia! – Fertility after 40

Today’s society is changing rapidly with huge variations in women’s decisions depending on where they happen to live. Opportunities for education, employment, and financial prosperity, if granted, may clash with relationships and their fertility health, meaning more and more women are having children later in life. In 2018, the UK’s Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

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Eugin Clinic - Madrid

Why have fertility treatment in Spain?

Spain offers an excellent healthcare option that is underpinned by an up-to-date regulatory framework, as well as the benefits of the latest technology and very competitive prices. Progressive legislation Spain has some of the most advanced legislation on assisted reproduction in the world, and has successfully implemented scientific advances and social changes. In this regard,

Why have fertility treatment in Spain? Read More »

Innovative fertility care for the New Year

NOW-fertility – innovative fertility care for the New Year

Accessibility NOW-fertility is the next generation IVF provider. We offer personalised, accessible assisted conception treatment through a network of partner clinics and our own team of fertility professionals. We partner with IVF clinics globally who have consistently high success rates, excellent facilities, quality measures and experienced staff. NOW-fertility consultants, nurses and care coordinators support you

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Les aspects emotionnels de l'infertilite

NOW-fertility fertility coach Stephanie Toulemonde explique ‘Les aspects emotionnels de l’infertilite’

L’infertilité en général, et les protocoles PMA en particulier, sont bien souvent chargés en émotions. Il s’agit d’une étape de vie compliquée, au cours de laquelle les femmes et les couples alternent de manière parfois chaotique la joie et l’excitation de concevoir un enfant et de fonder une famille avec des émotions plus difficiles à

NOW-fertility fertility coach Stephanie Toulemonde explique ‘Les aspects emotionnels de l’infertilite’ Read More »

Keep sperm moving

Keep sperm moving

NOW-fertility consultant Riadh Ben Temime explains some of the factors affecting male fertility and how nutritional supplements might help. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that infertility affects nearly 190 million people worldwide, with male infertility accounting for up to 50% of the nearly one-in-five couples who seek help when trying to conceive. At the

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Why to do an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the cycle?

Why to do an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the cycle?

Several years of experience as a fertility consultant have taught me that regarding IVF, it is for the patients’ benefit if treatment is individualized. IVF monitoring allows us to evaluate every stage of the IVF procedure, so that we can ensure treatment is going as planned. Monitoring begins even before the first stage of IVF,

Why to do an ultrasound scan at the beginning of the cycle? Read More »

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